Konferenzbeiträge (Auswahl Vorträge und Poster)
Vorträge Krone R, Schmalenbach I, Krone A, Janke M (2022): Enhancement of the lobster stock at Helgoland German Bight, North Sea. 6th annual ELCE meeting, May 11-13, 2022, Padstow, Cornwall, UK. Krone R, Schmalenbach I, Pogoda B (2017) National update report 2016, Germany; ICES WGMBRED, March 06-10, 2017, Gdynia, Poland. Krone R, Schmalenbach I (2016) National update report 2015, Germany; ICES WGMBRED; 14–18 March 2016, Delft, the Netherlands. Krone R, Schmalenbach I, Janke M, Franke HD (2015) Offshore Wind Farms – refuges for crabs and lobsters? 17. Crustaceologentagung 26. – 29. März 2015, Bremerhaven, Germany.
Dannheim J, Gutow L, Teschke K, Holstein J,Schmidt A, Krone R, Gusky M (2015) Lessons learned from the benthic monitoring evaluation in alpha ventus, Conference of Wind Energy and Wildlife Impacts, Berlin, Germany, 10 March 2015 - 12 March 2015. Krone R, Dannheim J (2013) Mobile demersal megafauna abundances at wind farm alpha ventus foundations (German Bight) – two years after construction. WinMon.BE conference, 26 - 28 November 2013, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium. Krone R, Krägefsky S (2013) Effects of offshore wind turbine foundations on mobile demersal megafauna and pelagic fish – research at the alpha ventus offshore wind farm. StUKplus Conference, Five Years of Ecological Research at alpha ventus - Challenges, Results and Perspectives, 30 - 31 October 2013, Berlin. Krone R, Dederer G, Dannheim J, Gutow L, Wätjen K, Schneider C (2013) Müll am Meeresgrund, an der Wasseroberfläche und in der Wassersäule. Expertenworkshop „Umsetzung der Meeresstrategie-Rahmenrichtlinie (MSRL) – Monitoring von Abfällen im Meer“. Umweltbundesamt, 09.10.- 10.10.2013, Dessau. Schmalenbach I, Krone R, Franke H D (2013) Settlement experiments with hatchery-reared Helgoland lobsters (Homarus gammarus) at offshore wind farms – a perspective, 16. Crustaceologen-Tagung, Greifswald, Germany, 14 March 2013 - 17 March 2013. Krone R, Schröder A, Gutow L, Dannheim J (2012) Biofouling and fish at offshore wind power foundations - German Bight , ICES Annual Science Conference, Bergen, Norway, 17 September 2012 - 21 September 2012. Reichert K, Dannheim J, Gusky M, Krägefsky S, Krone R, Gutow L (2012) Fish and benthos at alpha ventus, International Conference RAVE 2012, Bremerhaven, Germany, 8 May 2012 - 10 May 2012. Krone R, Schmalenbach I, Paster M, Gutow L, Schröder A, Krämer, P (2011) Scientific offshore diving in the German Bight: Reef fauna Artificial construction material, Future Projects. Marine Resources and Beyond. Intern. Conf. IMARE. Bremerhaven. Germany. Krone R, Schröder A, Schmalenbach I, Krämer P, Gutow L, Paster M, Sauter E (2011) Die Besiedelung künstlicher Baustoffe und Bauwerke - Taucherische Forschung im Windpark alpha ventus und Technikkonzepte,Workshop Offshore-Windparks unter Wasser. Hafenkooperation Offshore-Häfen Nordsee SH. Maritimes Cluster Norddeutschland. Hamburg. Gutow L, Krone R, Gusky M, Schröder, A (2011) Structure and dynamics of the fouling assemblage on an offshore construction, IMARE-Conference "Marine Resources and Beyond", 5-7 September, Bremerhaven, Germany. Krone R, Gutow L, Schröder A (2010) Sea bottom animal observations at FINO1 and alpha ventus - 8 years of vessel research and scientific diving since 2002, Windforce 10 Direction Offshore conference 01 - 03 June Bremerhaven, Germany. Krone R, Schröder A, Gutow L, Krämer P ,Paster M, Sauter E (2010) Ergänzende Techniken und Konzepte für Offshorebauwerke - Baustoffe, Fischereiliche Sekundärnutzung, Wartungstechnik, Foulingschutz, AWI-WAB-IMARE Workshop "Von der Forschung zur Anwendung für die Offshore-Windenergie", 9. November, Bremerhaven, Germany.
Poster Krone R, Schmalenbach I, Janke M, Franke HD (2015) Lobster release at the offshore wind farm Riffgat, German Bight (North Sea) – preliminary results, 17th Crustaceologist- Conference 26th – 29th Mars 2015, Bremerhaven, Germany. Krone R, G. Dederer, Dannheim J (2015) Abundant mobile demersal megafauna at wind farm alpha ventus foundations (German Bight) – two years after construction. Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts, Berlin 2015. Sturm R, Gutow L, Winkelmann M, Gandrass J, Wolschke H, Xie Z, Krone R, Ebinghaus R (2015) Are Geotextile Scour Protections of Offshore Wind Turbines a Source of Environmental Contaminants? Ausgezeichnet mit dem CWW2015-Poster-Award. Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts, Berlin 2015. Krone R, Schmalenbach I, H-D Franke (2013) Lobster settlement at the offshore wind farm Riffgat, German Bight (North Sea). WinMon.BE conference, 26 - 28 November 2013, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium. Download Krone R, Schröder A, Brey T, Gutow L (2012) Biofouling, fish and crabs at offshore wind power constructions, ICES Workshop: Effects of Offshore wind farms on Marine Benthos (WKEOMB), AWI, 27 March 2012. Dannheim J, Reichert K, Krone R, Gusky M, Gutow L (2012) Wind farm effects on benthos in the German Bight (North Sea) - from single structures to cumulative impacts and beyond -, ICES Workshop "Effects of offshore wind farms on marine benthos - facilitating a closer international collaboration throughout the North Atlantic", Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany, 27 March 2012 - 29 March 2012. Krone R, Schröder A (2008) Fish and Crabs on artificial Offshore Structures in the German Bight -Research Platform FINO1 and Wrecks-, IEA TASK 23 workshop, ecology and regulation, 28 -29 February, Petten, The Netherlands. Krone R, Paster M, Schuhmacher H (2006) The importance of Ctenochaetus striatus (Acanthuridae) for the sediment balance of coral reefs in the northern Red Sea. International Society for Reef Studies. European meeting. Bremen, Germany. |
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